Semantic Definition According to Experts

Semantic Definition According to Experts
Semantics Are - Definition, History, Types, Elements, Benefits, Analysis, Experts: Semantics in Indonesian comes from the Greek ‘sema’ (noun) meaning ‘sign’ or ‘symbol’. The verb is ‘semaino’ which means ‘mark’ or ‘symbolizes’. What is meant by signs or symbols here are linguistic signs (French: signé linguistique).

Semantic Definition
Semantics is a branch of linguistics that studies the meanings / meanings contained in language, codes, or other types of representations. In other words, semantics is the study of meaning. Semantics is usually associated with two other aspects: syntax, complex symbol formation from simpler symbols, and pragmatics, the practical use of symbols by people in certain contexts.

Semantic Definition According to Experts
Listed below are a number of opinions from various world experts on semantic understanding, including:

Charles Morrist
Stating that semantics examines "the relations of signs with objects which are the container for the application of these signs".

J.W.M Verhaar; 1981: 9
Argues that semantics (English: semantics) means the theory of meaning or theory of meaning, namely the systematic branch of language that investigates meaning or meaning.

Lehrer; 1974: 1
Semantics is the study of meaning. For Lehrer, semantics is a very broad field of study, because it also alludes to aspects of the structure and function of language so that it can be linked to psychology, philosophy and anthropology.

Kambartel (in Bauerk, 1979: 195)
Semantics assumes that language consists of structures that display meaning when related to objects in the experience of the human world.

Britannica encyclopedia (Encyclopedia Britanica, vol.20, 1996: 313)
Semantics is the study of the relationship between a linguistic differentiator and the relation of mental processes or symbols in speech activities.

Dr. Pateda mansoer
Semantics is a linguistic sub-discipline that discusses meaning.

Abdul Chaer
Semantics is the science of meaning or about meaning. Namely one of the 3 (three) levels of language analysis (phonological, grammatical and semantic).

KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary)
Semantics is the meaning, the intention of the speaker and writer, or the understanding given in a form of discussion.

History of Semantic Development
Semantics in the Indonesian language come from English semantics, from the Greek Sema (Nomina) ‘sign’: or from the verb samaino ‘mark’, ‘mean’. The term is used by linguists to refer to parts of linguistics that study meaning. Semantics is part of three levels of language that include phonology, grammar (morphology-syntax) and semantics.
The new semantic term emerged in 1984 which is known through the American Philological Association 'American philological organization' in an article entitled Reflected Meanings: A point in Semantics. The term semantics itself has existed since the 17th century when considered through the phrase semantics philosophy.
Semantic history can be read in the article "An Account of the Word Semantics (Word, No.4 th 1948: 78-9). Breal through his article entitled "Le Lois Intellectuelles du Language" revealed the term semantics as a new field of science, in French the term as historical historical science (historical semantics).
Historical semantics tend to study semantics associated with elements outside the language, such as changes in meaning with logic, psychology, etc. Breal's work is entitled Essai de Semanticskue. (end of the 19th century).
Reisig (1825) as one of the classical experts revealed a new concept of grammar (grammar) which included three main elements, namely etymology, the study of the origin of words related to changes in form and meaning; syntax, sentence structure in semasiology, sign (meaning).
Semasiology as a new science in 1820-1925 was not yet realized as semantics. The term Semasiologi itself is a term put forward by Reisig. Based on Resigh's thinking, semantic development can be divided into three growth periods, namely:

The first period, covering half a century, included reisig activities; then this is called Ullman as the 'Undergound' period.
The Second Period, namely semantics as a purely historical science, the existence of historical semantics, with the emergence of the classic work Breal (1883)
The third development period, the study of meaning was marked by the emergence of the work of Swedish philologist Gustaf Stern (1931) entitled "Meaning and Change of Meaning with Special Reference to the English Language Stern conducted an empirical study of meaning.

Semantic Benefits For Language Researchers
Below are three semantic benefits, including:
For a journalist, reporter, or people working in the world of news and reporting:
They will get practical benefits from knowledge about semantics, which can make it easier to choose and use words with the right meaning in conveying information to the public.

The term is enhanced by Kridalaksanan that the process of searching for language symbols that serves to describe objects, concepts, processes and so on. In addition, naming is used for existing assets, among others, by changing the possibility of meaning or by the creation of words or groups of words.

For language researchers:
For literary students, semantic knowledge will provide many theoretical provisions to analyze the language being studied.
As for literary teachers, semantic knowledge will provide theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, semantic theories will help in better understanding the language that will be taught. And the practical benefit is the ease of teaching it.

For ordinary people:
The use of the basics of semantics is certainly still needed to be able to understand the world which is full of information and linguistic traffic that continues to grow.