Historical, Logic and Structural Semantics
Historical semantics is the study of semantics that examines systems of meaning in time series. This historical semantic study emphasizes the study of meaning in the span of time, not the change in word form. Changes in word form are studied more in hoistorical linguistics.
The origin of the word becomes part of the etymology study. This semantic compares words based on periods or between words at a certain time with words in other languages. For example in BI there is the word rice and in Javanese there is the word pari. The phonemes / d / and / r / correspond.
Semantic Logic
Sematic logic is a branch of modern logic that deals with symbolic concepts and notations in semantic language analysis. Logic examines systems of meaning as seen from logic as applicable in mathematics referring to the word study of meaning or interpretation of teachings, especially those formed in the logic system by Carnap is called semantics.
In the semantics of logic discussed the meaning of proxies that are distinguished from sentences, because different sentences in the same language can be uttered in the same proportion. Instead, a sentence can be said in two or more proportions. Proportions can be right or wrong, and symbols are referred to as proportional variables in logic semantics.
Structural Semantics
Structural semantics stems from the views of structural linguists pioneered by Saussure. Structuralists argue that every language is a system, a unique structural relationship consisting of units called structures. The structure is transformed into elements in the form of phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses which divide them into phonological studies, morphology, syntax, and discourse.
Semantic Scope
As stated that semantics covers a very broad field, both in terms of structure and function of language and in terms of interdisciplinary fields of science (Fatimah, 2009: 4). But in this case the scope of semantics is limited to the relationship of meaning itself in the field of linguistics.
Nonlingistic factors also influence semantics as a function of non-symbolic language. Semantics is the study of a language differentiator with the relationship of mental processes or symbolism in speech activities (Tarigan, 2004: 5).
The relationship between language and mental processes can be stated in several ways. Some mental processes experts do not need to be studied because they are confusing, some states that mental processes must be studied separately from semantics, or semantics are studied without mentioning mental processes.
In reality, semantics or meaning is closely related to structure and function. It means that structure without meaning and manka without structure cannot exist. So the form or structure, function and meaning is a unity in researching or studying the elements of language.
From the existence of a number of levels and complexities it is understandable that although the meanings and symbols as well as the semantic and grammatical aspects are inseparable elements, in determining semantic and linguistic relations there are still a number of differences. There are reviewers who prefer to mention semantics with the theory of meaning and put it directly into the field of language philosophy (Aminuddin, 2001: 27).
On the other hand there are also reviewers who assume that as long as the abstraction and process of relations and combinations, meaning is still abstract, so empirical studies and scientific study results are not possible to be carried out and achieved.
Semantic Elements
Below are three semantic elements, including:
1. Signs and Symbols (Symbols)
Signs and symbols (symbols) are the two elements contained in the language. The sign was developed into a theory called semiotics. Semiotics has three aspects related to linguistics, namely syntactic aspects, pragmatic aspects, semantic aspects.
2. Lexical and Referential Relations
The lexical element is the smallest unit in the linguistic meaning system where its existence is distinguished by other smallest units. Lexical meaning is a category and synchegematic where all words and implications, scientific groups with structural meanings must be defined in units of construction. Whereas in a referential relationship is the relationship that exists between a word and the world that is outside the language intended by conversation.